eControl´s Bird Control Module establishes a systematical approach to Wildlife hazard reduction in compliance with ICAO standards. It includes:
- Wildlife risk assessment
- Ecological animal database
- Interface for entering animal observations, bird strikes, cadaver findings etc.
- Detailed reports and statistics
- Habitat management based on Point-count procedures
- Mobile client “eControl mobile“
Wildlife Risk Assessment
Control provides a wildlife risk assessment, which is compatible with the procedure established according to Allan. A model was developed in consultation with the German Bird Strike Committee, which unites observations, bird strikes and their consequences as well as the extensive ecological animal database in an integrated risk assessment for all species. The data is available in table form at the touch of a button, as a cumulative risk matrix, trend analysis and in various detail analyses.
Ecological animal database
The built in species database contains information for more than 1000 different species. The data focusses on weight classifications, information on flight behaviour, migration, forming of swarms, food and breeding. The data can of course be fully customised to match local particularities of certain species.
Interface for entering animal observations; bird strikes, cadaver findings etc.
The systematic recording of animal observations is the key for a successful wildlife management. The data entry can be made on the local web interface and the mobile client (see: Mobile client “eControl mobile“). Bird Control offers ICAO compliant bird strike documentation. Conformance with ICAO Doc 9332 is the basis of compliance with ICAO Annex 14 and EU (regulation) 376/2014. BirdControl also provides an interface for the ECCAIRs incident reporting system and others.
Detailed reports and statistics
The Bird Control module contains numerous standard statistics for the ongoing monitoring of the airport and the relevant external habitats. Specific report generators offer a host of analysis options for the generation of long-term trend analyses and frequency distributions by location-related, time-related and countless other avifaunal criteria. The system also provides all necessary standard reports on topics ranging from the discovery of cadavers to the quantity of ammunition used so that regular reports may be made to the supervisory authorities.

Habitat management based on Point-count procedures
With minimum staffing requirements, the Point-stop method generates relative population indices on a measured section selected for monitoring purposes which can be used to establish population development trends and also to assess the effectiveness of habitat management.

Mobile client “eControl mobile“
Our mobile data entry solution enables operational units to record ad hoc animal observations. In addition wildlife controllers may record their qualified point-stop-observations in the most convenient and effortless way. See for details.